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WP1: Projekt Administration
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WP3: Data
WP4: Machine Learning
WP5: 3D Modellering
WP6: Scenarie
WP7: Outreach
Dette er ReDoCO2s blogsektionen. Her er fyldt med interessant indhold.
Peatlands in the media
1st ReDoCO2 meeting in 2024
Triven Koganti at Agrogeophysics seminar
5th ReDoCO2 Partner Meeting
ReDoCO2 workshop: New methods for peatland mapping provides new possibilities
PicoTEM 0.1 prototype in the air
ReDoCO2 Artikel: Tørven forsvinder
4th ReDoCO2 Partner Meeting
Field day in Øbakker
ReDoCO2 results presented at European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2022
First ReDoCO2 results presented at 2nd Agrogeophysics seminar
ReDoCO2s first publication on the use of deep learning for soil mapping has just been published
Droner og kunstig intelligens kan bane vejen mod lavere CO2-udledning fra landbruget
3rd ReDoCO2 Partner Meeting
2nd ReDoCO2 Partner Meeting
First trial flight with ReDoCO2 sensors
Kick-off meeting of ReDoCO2
AU Agro announces ReDoCO2 on their website
The DCA publishes a news article about ReDoCO2
Landbrugsavisen article about ReDoCo2
News coverage of ReDoCO2 in Klimamonitor
ReDoCO2 has started