WP2: Geophysical Mapping Instruments & Methodologies

Contributer: SkyTEM

In work package 2, geophysical mapping instruments will be developed to supply the best predictors for delineating peat extent. Therefore, the accuracy of the estimations of carbon mass in the soil will be significantly improved by combining gamma radiometrics data and TEM data which can indicate the geological/soil settings and groundwater table. The geophysical equipment will be developed to be operated using a suitable unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). The UAV will allow surveying with gamma ray instrumentation, ground-penetrating radar (GPR) and transient electromagnetics (TDEM) equipment making an easy switch between the three during field work. Automation of the workflow of data to be uploaded from field to cloud, including automatic quality control (QC), will benefit the operational aspects and economy. A major development will be to model, design, and develop a new innovative high bandwidth, 100 Mhz TEM (SkyTEMPico) transmitter and receiver platform that will push the envelope of TEM method to map the upper few meters of peat and soil. It will also improve the resolution and ability to use on-time measurements. With a smaller platform, the ability to operate at 1-3 m above ground level in combination with a higher repetition rate will improve the lateral resolution compared to other known systems.

Work package lead: Kristoffer Skovgaard Mohr, SkyTEM.

Title image by: Airborne Instruments John Dahl.